Friday 7 April 2017

Why is The Internet not Free?

Internet is essentially a Service and any type of Service involves cost. Your Service provider spends enormous amount of money to install and maintain the resources (Inter-sea cables, Large Data- Centres, last-mile connectivity etc.) to deliver to you the content which you today call Internet. You are basically charged for delivering this content to your Home and Mobile Devices.
Then there is Content which may be free (believe me a lot of it out there is free) or paid (depending upon whether it solves some of your necessity in which case you should be ready to pay them as usage or subscription cost).
Further, there are many Internet Entrepreneurs and Businesses who provide their services for free but generate revenue through advertising and other means.
Because Internet will be THE binding force in unifying our planet in the coming few decades, a lot of innovative means are being devised for increased penetration of Internet in remote and far-flung and otherwise black-spots (read unconnected). Facebook, Google etc. and several government agencies are pioneering these penetration efforts.
So get yourself connected today !!

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